The Key to Solving Your Digestive Issues 🔑

Are you tired of spending endless hours at the doctor's office trying to determine the cause of your digestive issues, only to be met with the disappointing response that "your labs look normal"?

Look no further, you’ve come to the right place.

Having struggled with digestive problems for YEARS I know the feeling.

Western medicine has traditionally focused on treating the symptoms of a disease or condition rather than addressing the underlying root cause. This has led to a reliance on medications and other treatments that provide temporary relief or "bandaids" for symptoms, without necessarily addressing the underlying issue. While medications can be helpful in managing symptoms and improving quality of life, it’s important to identify and address the underlying cause of symptoms in order to achieve true healing and long term success.  

While on my own gut healing journey, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the GI Map. Not only was this test a game changer for me, but it’s also helped 100’s of clients get to the root cause of their own digestive problems!

What is the GI Map?

The GI MAP is an at home stool test that assesses your microbiome for bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens, as well as microbial balance and other intestinal health markers, such as low gut immune function, poor pancreatic elastase output, or intestinal permeability.

The GI Map specifically investigates the following:

  • Dysbiosis, which refers to an imbalance or overgrowth of gut bacteria

  • Leaky gut, a condition in which the intestinal lining becomes more permeable

  • The activity level of the immune system, which can be under-active or overactive

  • The body's reaction to gluten

  • Presence of H. Pylori, a type of bacteria that can lead to many digestive issues

  • Digestive capacity, which determines whether your body is effectively breaking down and absorbing the food you consume

  • Detox health, evaluating your body's ability to eliminate toxins

  • Presence of Candida, a type of yeast that can cause symptoms such as constipation + sugar cravings

  • Presence of Parasites, which can wreak havoc on the gut

  • Inflammation, a key contributor to many chronic diseases

So, who should get a GI Map?

GI Map testing can be helpful for those who are struggling with…

  • IBS

  • IBD

  • Weight loss resistance

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • SIBO

  • Brain fog, anxiety, depression

  • Intestinal permeability

  • Gut infections

  • Skin problems

  • Diabetes

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Histamine intolerance

Having this information allows our team to develop an individualized healing protocol specific to YOU. By identifying the root cause, we are able to highlight (and treat) the key factors that are holding you back from feeling your best!

If you are struggling with digestive issues, let’s chat further about GI Map testing. Click HERE to schedule a discovery call or email me at Hello@NutritionByJulie.Net.


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